Founded in 1959, Jeil has developed and supplied superior pharmaceutical products to promote the happiness and health of mankind and has contributed to the growth and development of the pharmaceutical industry in Korea.
Jeil has been listed on KOSPI since 1988. As of 2010, Jeil is constituted of 961 employees and has sales amount reaching above 431.3 billion Korean wons.
The Central R&D Center established in 1980 forms the core of the R&D activities of Jeil. Currently, as of 2010, the new drug development research laboratory, the synthesis research laboratory and the formulation research laboratory are actively engaged in conducting research into the complete manufacture and ingredients of innovative new drugs, incrementally modified drugs, and generic drugs.
Jeil’s factory located in Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea which Click for details>>
Jeil Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Tel:02)549-7451~65(656) 8-22-5494045 Fax:02)549-7478 Address:745-5, BahnpohDong,Seocho-Gu Seoul Republic of Korea (S)